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Updated: Oct 6, 2020


Corey mother fucking Taylor, it makes me laugh how many people didn’t know that’s what cmft stood for

This album has been highly anticipated. You know who he is, let’s not waste any time so here we go

Highway 666

Starts it off with the classic blues rock ripper that was one of the first songs we heard. This song is old school feel with new school flare. The first time I heard this song I felt that main riff in soul. If you have anti Metal parents that only love rock, this is the song to show them. The modern day crossroads

Black Eyes Blue

Another early song, very 90s rock sound, like collective soul, approved. Song shows Corey has a great singing voice. Is this song slightly cheesy, yes, but who the hell cares. It is weird hearing say babeh in a song. At the 2 minute mark we get another cool riff, followed by a pretty solid solo. These is your screaming down the freeway with the top down blasting song

Samantha’s gone

We have no shortage of riffs hear that’s for sure. We are keeping that 90s early 2000’s rock sound, except the chorus sounds very late 70’s rock. Song is very broad in its stylings. You just wanna crank it and rock out. Even better solo in this one, this song is just awesome. The real question though, where is Samantha?

Meine Lux

We got partyrock here. Very Van Halen drum beat to it. You don’t get much time to take this one in. It’s just a good time. Probably my least favorite song so far but that’s like me talking about my least favorite skittle. Excluding green apple, we don’t talk about green apple skittles here

Halfway down

Greeeeeeen daaaaaay. Good day. There’s actually a hidden little guitar work under the main riffs if you listen close. The chorus is very different from the song and sounds especially awesome. Sooooolid bridge and solo sections here that crank up the rock. Whole song kind of reminds me of something but I can’t quite figure out what. Has elements of various bands and just overall rules


Oh we got some country rock goin on here. This song is extremely chill. Back to my old adage of chillin by the fire with a brewskie and friends. The solo itself is honkey tonkified to and well, me like. This is really turning into a great driving album


Hey jealously, they stole your vibe ‘I’ll kill em’. It has a mix of Gin Blossoms (I bet you didn’t expect that reference today) and bare naked ladies sound to it. I feel like I’m in a serious time warp right now with this album. My favorite music to casually listen to when I just want to shut my brain off and chill is from that era. It’s my go to long time listen session and I’m right at home here

Culture head

Oh ok we are cranking it up. That musical onslaught in the intro is sexy and oooooooo that bass. Corey is letting out some anger here and it’s beautiful. Jeeeeeeeesus this song kicks on the heavy in a very heavy dose and is a welcome breath of fresh air. There are moments of godsmack and that’s always a good thing

Everybody Dies on my Birthday

There is a serious inside joke to the title of this song between my sister and I. This song combines the rock and metal sounds quite flawlessly. The riff in the bridge is very very justice era Metallica. This song has a little bit of everything and it’s awesome

The Maria Fire

Little jazz jam.... wait what? For an album with the unexpected I was not expecting this and it’s so damn good. Elements of jazz, 50’s rock, 70’s rock , rockabilly. it’s a damn history lesson . Why couldn’t history be this awesome in school. I wanna do the stray cat strut to this song. There’s a harmony around the 250 mark and hot damn that hit right. Most unexpected song so far and it is making a serious push as my favorite


Before even hearing the song I was expecting piano from a song titled home. This song is beautiful. Corey is a damn damn DAAAMN good singer and this really shows. Still odd hearing the guy who sings people = shit sing a legit Balad but hey, in the words of Tommy Lee you can’t be all raaaaah all the time. You can feel heart here, so nice

Cmft must be stopped.

Now the song that no one expected, unless you are a fan of Slipknot or Corey because then you already knew he 1, is a fan of hip hop, 2, that he can spit, and 3 he’s done a song with kid bookie before and that song kicks ass. But needless to say this song really took the world by storm when it landed. I will say though, I feel this song should have remained a single. It has the same rock vibes as the album but otherwise doesn’t fully fit. Still though, I love this song and have blasted it many times since it dropped. Watching tech dance on a rooftop is also hilarious.

European tour bus bathroom song

When I first saw this on the track list I thought it was like a quick skit song. Nope. Kicken in the thrash punk metal and yeeeeeeeeeeeees. This has completed this album, I feel complete, I am complete. Sooooo much greatness

I didn’t know fully what to expect when I turned this thing on, and well, it kicks insane amounts of ass. It is the complete package of damn near every genre I like, even freakin Jazz. There are absolutely no weak spots on this album, and I truly feel fulfilled hearing it and happy to say Corey did not disappoint as he moves into, first class. CMFT really can’t be stopped, so don’t bother trying, just accept it. Take care

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