Oh you knew this one was coming
Intro Vid
I drove up to work the morning of 3/2 and scrolled through my youtube subscriptions, and saw that the Demo for Final Fantasy 7 Remake was out. Um, WHAT .Even though I was at work, I immediately logged onto my PSN and added it to my Library, waiting for me when I get home. And When I got home, I fired it up, and damn near cried. I was overwhelmed with a rush of pure nostalgia, happiness, and excitement. The original FF7 is my favorite game of all time, played multiply times over multiple platforms, including the phone version. I love it so much that its influenced my channel name for cryin out loud. I was one of the many many many people watching the conference when this Remake was finally announced. The feeling I had, watching that original trailer, is indescribable. From that point began the longest waiting period ever. So when I was finally able to open that demo, it just hit me, coming back all at once. So how is it?
Everything I wanted. I am a fan of action RPGs like kingdom hearts (NOT YOU) due to having that extra feeling of control you get. I still love the classic style from the original but If I wanted to play that I'd play the remasters. There is an option to play this game in what they call the classic mode but I haven't tried that, I wanted to play this game as intended, I am very happy to report they nailed it. Even though its fluid full control action, the spirit of the original can be felt in the combat in some ways. In this demo you control Cloud, and eventually Barret, through the First Mission of the game. Each character has their basic attacks, but is able to switch styles by pressing Triangle, Cloud changes stances focusing more on damage output and counters, sacrificing his speed, and Barret unloads a powerful barrage that then takes time to recharge. As you are fighting, you fill up a meter that allows you to use Magic, items, and the limit breaks. You have the option to either block attacks, reducing or eliminating damage, or attempt to dodge them outright. It just flows through nicely, and switching between characters is seamless. Also, if you don't want to switch characters you are able to issue the other character commands while they are computer controlled. The game is also nice enough to slow everything down so you don't get interrupted trying to decide. You fight some basic enemies for the most part, but they start to throw tougher ones at you, all of which you will recognize. It all feels polished and balanced. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time. You fight one boss, and if this is a sign of what the others are going to be like, I cannot wait for the rest of this adventure.
It goes without saying, this game is absolutely gorgeous, voice acting is stellar so far, and Jessie still wants that buster sword. I understand that this is just a demo, but, if the rest of the game improves even from this, it has potential to become my new favorite game of all time. Between the combat style that I gel with, the story and characters that I love, and the new age cinematics, I need it right now
Thank you for checking out my quick impressions based on the demo. April 4th cannot get here fast enough. Click here to check out my review of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, Click here for my review of F8 from Five finger Death Punch. Click here if you'd like to subscribe, and click that bell to be notified of my future Videos. Till then, names David, but you can call me Fenrirock