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FromSoft Rankings


Fear the old blood, but allways, Praise the Sun!

As I have said before, Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite game of all time, and assassin's creed was my favorite series, UNTIL I took a dive into the punishing world of BloodSoulekiro, DemonDarkBourne, Death. Here, I will be ranking my Top 6 FromSoft games from the Soul's and Soul'slike games. And here, we, go

Dark Souls 2

Let me start out, just because this is at the bottom, does not mean I dislike it, quite the contrary, I enjoyed the hell out of my time with this one. But when comparing it to the other titles, it just doesn't stand up to them. This, at least to me, was by far and away the easiest of the games. I don't think I died to any boss more than 5 times, the ridiculous run ups killed more often than not. This one is also the most narrative of the Soul's games (Keyword is Souls). There's a huge array of great weapons too, that you only find here. I want my twinblads maaaaan. Gameplay wise its a bit of a mixed bag, as your character feels fast an nimble like dark souls but the enemies are slow and chunky, save a few exemptions. Really, this feels more like it should have been Demon's Souls 2, as it feels more akin to there, style wise and gameplay wise. Never the less, despite so many looking and talking down on this game, give it a chance.

Demon's Souls

The start of it all, unless you want to count King's Field (I gotta play those). While this game definitely shows its age mechanically, the atmosphere, story, just its overall essence is what puts it above Dark Souls 2. The World Tendency mechanic is complex since it's not really explained how it works, which is a bummer because it plays such an integral part to how the game's world unfolds, items you're able to get, and npc's you interact with. Once you understand it its not so bad. Beat boss, go to nexus, jump off cliff, rinse and repeat. Even though it is a clever mechanic once you get it, I am glad it has not made a return. The enemies are a bit dumb, but the boss designs for the most part are awesome. Also, this game has the best attendant

Dark Souls III

The first Souls game I played, and I loved every second of it. The smoothness in the controls, the quality of the bosses, the combat, armor, all of the stellar bosses. What takes this game down for me are the overall lack luster levels, save of course the obvious ones. I cosplayed in this game as Kingdom Hearts cloud thanks to the Abyss watchers armor and the Great Sword, that was bad ass. My first playthrough of this game was made a little ruff thanks to me still not truly understanding the stat system, but on subsequent playthroughs I got a grip on it and man, its so damn fun. I've recently been doing a run through all of the games and this one is next, after I finish Code Vein, and boy am I excited


You can Jump! Like, an actual jump. By far the most narrative of all the games, and its a great narrative at that. I was gripped from the start, compelled to traverse around the beautiful world that was built. Beautiful, but dreary. Coming from playing the souls games and going into this requires some major adjustments, as the combat system is completely different. Built on parrying instead of dodging, and countering the different attacks thrown at you, using your shinobi tools in the best possible ways to pave your way to victory, is so damn fluid. At least attack is still R1. Its a system that once it clicks, and you shake off your dark souls reflexes, except for a certain boss, save it for him, it is fan freaking tastic. Traversal in this world is a blast as you jump around, grapple, climb around, just being a ninja, its an experience that if you still haven't tried, you need too.

Dark Souls

Despite this game being a little aged at this point, its my favorite of the Souls titled games. Gameplay still stacks up to the best of them, the rich lore out in the world for you to explore, the level design where even the bad ones are still a site to behold, the fantastic bosses (Not You), the tears shed for the best pupper in gaming and the list goes on and on. From the get go, you get what you are in for from the asylum, the perfect set up for things to come. There's nothing I can say that has not been said before, this game is a classic and deservedly so. I'll never forget my first exposure to this game, a dude dressed as Solaire at Fanime, Praise the Sun you Beautiful Bastard


The game that started it all for me. First time I saw that trailer I was hooked, and knew I had to get it. Part of me still hopes that someday it will get released on at least PC so none PS4 owners can play this masterpiece. This is one of the greatest games I have ever played. The rich and amazingly disturbing lore, the world you get to play in, the characters in said world, the bosses, oh man the bosses. They are terrifying, and the shrieks don't help. So well designed and satisfying to slay. The gameplay is the most fluid it has been, the weapons are as bad ass as they can be, and they transform, who doesn't love it when things transform. I have this game to thank for getting me into the world of fromsoftware games, because without it, I may have never experienced some of the greatest gaming experiences I have ever had, and continue to have

Closing remarks for Like and Comments

Let me give a quick shoutout to Code Vein, if you have not played it you should give it a chance. Yes its souls like but it has enough of its own flavor to stand on its own. Im currently in the middle of my playthrough there and I'm enjoying the hell out of Anime Souls

Video Link will be Assassin's Creed listing

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