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Joe Satriani - Shapeshifting


See, there are plenty of beautiful bald guitarist out there

I'm late, I know. Shapeshifting is the latest release from my personal Favorite guitarist, Joe Satriani. Released on 4/10/2020. Known for his masterful instrumentals and one of the worlds best guitar virtuosos (also responsible for quite a few other ones). I look forward to the day every couple of years for the new satch album, over the past decade I have to say Blackswan and wormhole wizards is my favorite, that album is perfection. So let's see how this one fits into the master's arsenal. I'm excited - And here, we, go


Drum Roll Please, and we're off. The rhythm is set right from the beginning. Hard hitting and straight forward, but sets you in the right direction. Under the main melodies however are some damn nice bass runs, I'd almost say this song is more so of a bass run through. If you can't hear it though try headphones or a good system. Which is really how Satch should be experienced anyway. He is known for his Sci Fi set pieces and this one fits in perfectly. Nothing too crazy but still great

Big Distortion

I can see the dude from Keep on Truckin' walkin down the street to this song. Very upbeat and gives you that traversal vibes. A return of old enemy is in this song but that's okay. Like I said before, if used well and not through your whole damn album claps are okay. I've personally always felt that Joe makes the soundtrack of life, as whatever situation your in you can stick a song in and fits. Keep on Truckin'

All for Love

Atmosphere, pure unadulterated atmosphere. You almost instinctually close your eyes and start rocking back forth to this one, its beautiful. Even as it builds up you feel it push you forward along with it. It's a song that connects with the soul, only flaw I have with it, it is far too short

Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and me

This is the greatest title in music history, rivaled by a certain big brown beaver. We have re entered the lab of Dr. Sathafunkulus in this song. He mixes his exotics stylings with his sci fi style and it blends real well. Like if Tron had Flying Carpets. Hmm, neat. This song is clearly made as a tribute for Dick Dale with the Tremolo picking, especially when he cleans the tone up a bit. I've never checked out Ali Farka so I can't speak to him, but I think I'll check 'em out


Bass, Harmonics, slow steady drum beat, and than a slow bluesy melody, it doesn't get much better than that. I get feelings of staring up into the clear night sky, just staring, taking it in, not thinking much, just absorbing the world of the unknown into you. This is why I love instrumental music. You let it do the talking and influence how it makes you feel by melding with your own interpretations, its magic

Perfect Dust

Space Rave at the Cantina! This is new, well, fresh. Western style, which I feel he doesn't do enough. I will say that the transition from Western to Spacey was almost jarring, but doesn't nessacarily not work. If this came out years ago it could have been in Cowboys vs Aliens. Songs a bit of Hodge podge but hey, hit the honkey tonk in your suite and roll with it

Nineteen Eighty

I remember hearing this song for the first time, and still love as much as I did then. Bringing back the Surfin with the Alien vibes and its fantastic. Anything that brings back that feeling is a welcome addition. Feel the groove

All My Friends Are Here

Someone indie feel to this. Song title is fitting, you can picture just a group friends getting together (like whenever all this distancing business is over) and just being, well, friends again. Another shorter one but it fits more being shorter.

Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws

Movie title if I've ever seen one. Near the bridge strums and what sounds like could be behind the nut strums as well make for some cool tones in the intro. A battle scene plays in my head listening to this, not the climax but like in the middle, were the hero gets his ass kicked. I love the riffs in this one as well, Heavier chords mixed with little runs, timeless recipe. I'm thinking about it more and more and Satch really needs to produce music for a movie soundtrack, or do a full length thing like Song remains the same, that would be amazing

Falling Stars

Bringing back the atmosphere. the only thing I'd say is maybe turn it back on the lead rhythm as it slightly overpowers the rest, but not much. That doesn't take away from the rest of this as it takes you through a trip of the night sky staring at neon trees and glowing crystals flowing threw the leaves. What the hell do they put in this GFUEL


Clock tower chiming with creepy kid laughter... Creepy kids aside, this song is absolutely beautiful. Another close your eyes and feel moment. Piano taking the forefront while satch lays down the emotions filling you up to the point you are almost overwhelmed with optimism pushing through the dread. Ah crap the kids are back

Here the Blue River

Reggae time. There's some trippy effects and harmonies on display here, which give off a chaotic contrast to the laid back reggae jam. It's different but all comes together quite nicely. Second half sounds like a Final Fantasy song, which I am all for. It mellows out near the end and brings you down nicely

Yesterday's Yesterday

Closing it out with a nice acoustic didly, which is not very common and I welcome it. Ending on something different and not predictable is great. Comes off as a band jam one day while recording and they just kind of ran with it. But they couldn't end it without calling forth my nemesis, eh its ok, I forgive you satch. All in all, good closer.

Overall, I loved this album. However I will say I don't like it more than some of the last few, as there isn't truly a song on this one that stands above the rest, Nineteen Eighty comes close though. It's definitely overall more cohesive though, but again lacking that one song to take it over the top. Unstoppable Momentum had Can't go Back and the title track, Shockwave's title track, all of Black Swans is a masterpiece and What Happens next has a few as well. For this decade of Satch I would rank them in order of favorite to least, Black Swan and Wormhole Wizards, What Happens Next, Shockwave Supernova, Unstoppable Momentum then Shapeshifting. Just because its at the does not mean I don't love it though, because I do, but it just barely doesn't make it to first class, you should still give it a spin for sure though.

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