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Pearl Jam - Gigaton


Must say, that’s a pretty album cover

Gigaton is the newest, and first album in 7 years, from the grunge rock juggernauts, Pearl Jam, released on March 27th, 2020. Needless to say this is highly anticipated, so let’s do this

Who Ever Said

Beautiful opening into the classic grunge sound you love. This song sounds like it was ripped right out of the 90’s. If this song sets the tone for the rest of the album I will be very happy with that. Great opener

Super blood Wolfmoon

Simple to effective groove on that main riff. Another classic sounding song. I don’t know this for sure but this song sounds like it was jammed out and they stuck with it, and that’s a good thing. Keeps with the real spirit of grunge

Dance of the Clairvoyants

That’s a pretty bad ass song title. Opens with a somewhat trance dance rhythm and I’m all for it. Not what you’d expect but it builds up and gets, thicker, normally I’d say heavier but that doesn’t fit. This song caught me off guard in the best ways possible, this is great

Quick Escape

Dat bass doe. This is the closes to old Eddie he sounds vocally so far. The other tracks somewhat showed his age but he sounds more youthful here. It’s hard to deny the grooves that have been present so far in this album. Keeping with the classic sounds. Song closes with the bass in the forefront again, I know a certain Italian that may like this one


The atmosphere in this, is just, pfffffff. This is the close your eyes and feel it track. Don’t want to say to much, this is one you have to experience yourself, fantastic track

Seven O’Clock

Alright perfectly transitions into this song. This song reminds me of some of the Radio Hits from Pearl Jam in the early days, but modernized. Eddie’s voice continues to get stronger as the album goes on, giving the effect that this was all recorded in order, live. Another solid song

Never Destination

Back to rockin out. Classic sounds complete with a really damn nice solo. Not much else to say on this one, just straight classic Pearl Jam

Take the Long Way

Possibly my favorite riff on the album. We are sticking with the classic sounds, this one is closer to hard rock than Grunge, which is not unwelcome. The chorus is quite good along with the harder sounds. The solo comes to meet the more up-tempo style.

Buckle Up

Appropriate title for this, as it has a traversal sounding melody to it. Very laid back in its sound. Wouldn’t be surprised to see this in a road trip movie soundtrack

Comes then Goes

Now we are going somewhat country style with the acoustic cadence. Fusion sounding song with the Country style guitar with classic rock sprinkled in, and Eddie’s signature vocals. Perfect campfire song


Keeping with the acoustic, but this one sounds much more like a Pearl Jam song. The bass register in this one is strong. You can feel something building in the chorus, as it has a crescendo to it. Which yes, I get is the definition of Crescendo. Another easy to listen to classic song. Maybe the most radio sounding song in a sense

River Cross

The final track. It has the sounds of the more Grandiose Pearl Jam songs. This song is best listened to with either surround sound or really good headphones. It’s a wall of sound that hits you with multiple layers, that you can keep picking out the individual bricks. Lovely song that perfectly closes this one out

Won’t prolong the inevitable, this album was simply fantastic. It captures the classic sound you want while still sounding completely new. This is one you have to go and check out for yourself because it is most certainly, First Class

Thank you for checking out my review of Gigaton from Pearl Jam. Comment Below any other albums you think I should check out, I’ll check em out. While you’re down there, leave me one of these, it helps me know if you like what I’m doing

Click up here to check out my cover of December from Collective soul, its my personal favorite song of all time. Click here to see the video YouTube picked out, just for you, If you’d be so kind, click here to subscribe to my channel. Ring that bell to be notified of my future videos, till then, Name’s David, but you can call me FenriRock

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