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Unleash The Archers - Abyss


There's an awakening... have you felt it

oh...oh I feel it mr krabs

June 29th, 2018, one Alex Hefner uploaded a reaction to a band I never heard before. Awakening by Unleash the Archers. Little did I expect that I would be hearing what would become one of my all time favorite songs. Thank you Alex. As soon as that video was done, I went and bought the full Apex album. I was introduced to the story of the Immortal, The Matriarch and her sons. That album, was a masterpiece of pure musicianship and talent across the board. Fast forward to today and we enter the Abyss. Well make sure you have the covenent of Artorias equipped and lets Dive in. Also, I won't be going into the lyrics and subject matter as they are technically spoilers, so yea

Waking Dream

Starting off with mesmerizing clean melodies. Sounds like something off my Enigma Pandora station. This is the perfect album opener to set the tone. Its more than your typical album intro though as it has real substance to it. Keeping the somewhat tribal feel throughout while slowly cranking up the metal. Ending with a perfect fade into


The abyss. Heavy on the keyboards and coming from my love of Styx this is more than welcome. Power Metal is a good meld of that, obviously. We get the classic Brittney highs which is always fantastic. There's a solid groove to the verse, solid flow throughout. It fits the subject matter, a great sense of an unknown darkness around you. The ease of which this song goes along its structure fits this as well, melding seamlessly throughout. Song feels shorter than it actually is

Through Stars

Volume swell pedal, with little punchy chords. I get serious vibes of Sammy era Van Halen, Which I don't care what you say, Sammy Halen is still great dammit. Verse is straight forward, the chorus is what pulls this song up, great vocal melody and mystical instrumentation through it and the rest of the song keep the true feeling of the fantasy world being constructed here. Thicken it up for the intro to the solo, then bring back in the punchiness, just so good. Frankly this song screams late 80's and I'm all for it


Very kind of teenage acousta pop in the intro, but that's just to get you to let your guard down as it punches you square in the mouth with its powerful onslaught. This song is very different and adds a bit of freshness in its feel. It sounds like a style of music I've heard before but I can't quite put my finger on what it is exactly. Ah its very Nightwishy, yea that's it. Overall this song is bad ass

Return to Me

The intro riff to this song is just so, GAAAAAAAAAAH. And then it keeps going and it gets heavy and well, me like. Then it pulls the energizer bunny and keeps going and going and just, yes, all of my yes. Absolute complete package with this one. I'm a very, very happy music fan right now. Favorite song so far


We have all heard this song by now, we all know how awesome it is. and it hasn't changed at all since it was first dropped. Has one bad ass video as well, (I'm looking forward to whatever song they are doing with that track wear teaser). Brittney is definitely one of my all time favorite vocalists since I first started listening to them, and even with the straightforwardness of this song she still... Slays it...kill me

Faster than Light

Intro fits the title of the song, with feelings of any of the projects that Marty Friedman has touched. Cacophony or his solo works mostly. The song is relentless as it surges forward, well, faster than light. The tonality of the song has a feeling of, well positivity, till half way it takes a darker turn. It is hard to bet the atmosphere these guys are able to create, you feel the stroy they are trying to tell. I want a book of this story

The Wind That Shapes the Land

Beautiful... That's the best way to describe this song. Vocally, and musically. It just feels so... climactic... which in hindsight, makes complete sense. Some of my favorite riffs are contained within this song. It almost feels like its own mini album within with all of its twists and turns. True Masterclass of musical craftmanship, enough said

Carry the Flame

Another 80's sounding song, but it fits the theme greatly. As is the constant, but there are some fantastic melodies, which shine like a bright flame during the solo section. There are also some perfect harmonies present. Just solid song after solid song


Chants, who doesn't love some hearty whoooo chants. This sounds like a dreamy movie score, I want a movie, and just I'm thinking that they slap you back into reality. I can picture crowds chanting this song, especially the chorus and the whoooas, if we ever get those again... This song is very much heavy in parts of, I'll go with conflict. This song is the perfect endcap, and I can picture it easily as a closing song for a concert (if we ever get those again). The music score comes back to gently close us out.

Well, they did it, they really went and did it. I didn't think they'd be able to top Apex but hot damn, this album is a complete Masterpiece. From end to end it tells the story it sets out to. Just like when I first got Apex, Abyss is going to be on repeat for some time. I'm go back into dark souls and create a character named the Immortal and have some fun, but I digress, this may be, the easiest rating I've given so far, because without a doubt this album is first class. If you have not yet listened to Apex, listen to it first, its a must and well, the lyrics won't make much sense in Abyss.

So tell me, if you've had a chance to check it out, what did you think. Comment below and let me know along with suggestions of other albums i should check out. Click up here to check the casual reading of Just Lose It, click up here to check out a video YouTube picked out just for you. Click here if you'd be so kind, as to subscribe to my channel. Ring that bell to be notified of my future videos, Names Fenrirock, and remember kids, Don't use Formula 1 race cars to chase Hedgehogs

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