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Megadeth Album Rankings


Trying something a Little different today

Before I get into this list I feel I should explain something right quick. Its a thought process on the difference between what you think is the best, vs what you like the best. Example being I think Led Zeppalin is the best band of all time, however, they do not have my favorite song of all time, nor are they my favorite band. My favorite band is actually a tie between Styx and Megadeth depending on the feel of the day. So do either of them have my favorite song? Nope, that would be December by Collective soul. Do I think that's the greates... No, no, no I don't I think you get what I mean (BTW its stairway to heaven, going back to Zep.) With all that exposition, which comes into play here, here is my Personal rankings of Megadeth Albums Least favorite to Favorite. I'm sure y'all know where this starts

The World Needs a Hero - 2001

Surprise its not Risk. Now disclaimer, I like all of the megadeth albums, but this one is by far my least favorite. It came at a point where Dave really lost his mojo, and trying to recover his metal licks after Risk. It suffers from being somewhat boring, Al Patreli, who I love with Savatage and Tran Siberian orchestra, should have never been the lead guitarist for Megadeth, he doesn't fit. It is one of those making an album because you have to moments. That all would really have been solved however if they saved Kill the King for this, because that song kicks ass. But its not, so I would say When is my favorite here, as its a solid tribute to Am I Evil. Now we can talk about Risk

So Far, So Good... So What! - 1988

SIKE! Now, I know some Metal Purists are going to absolutely roast me for this, but I just never really liked this one. It was a toss up between this and Hero for the bottom but this one is better to me overall. Dave was at his drugiest here and it shows. Production also took a step back from Peace Sells. You think I'd pick In My Darkest Hour as my favorite song but if you haven't figured it out by now that I don't go with convention then is you really even paying attention? It's Hook in Mouth, song is heavy and the spelling out Freedom as a huge middle finger to the pmrc is pure poetry

Risk - 1999

Ok now we can talk about Risk. Alot of people hate Risk and rightfully so, I however, don't. Some context, I grew up with 2 older Female Cousins, and during our family get togethers we would all stay up late just listening to 90's Pop and Dance music. So I have always had a soft spot for it. That being said, it does not bug me when something isn't traditionally what you would expect, to an extent. This album has actually has some slept on songs. Crush 'em is a great pump up song, Prince of Darkness, other than the uuuuhs, is great, but my favorite song here, and one of my favorite overall Megadeth songs is Time: The Beginning. I love to play and sing it myself, and its a beautiful acoustic piece that not enough people heard because they never gave this album a chance. At least its not covered in Cow Jiz

Super Collider - 2013

This album contains to me the worst song in the discography, the title track. When I said to an extent earlier, this was that extent, I loathe that song with a passion. As for the rest, its solid. Some truly great thrash moments and 90s heavy groove moments. Some emotional ones too. Forget to remember comes to mind there, song is heavy in the lyrics department. The guest appearance from David Draiman in Dance in the Rain, accompanied by its Killing is My Business style riff solidified it as my favorite of the album

Thirteen - 2011

Famously known for being rushed by the label to complete this one, it is filled with songs from past albums, either they were demos, redoes, or complete make overs. But, that's not a bad thing really. Finally hearing a fully produced version of New World Order is great. Black Swan however I feel was better in its original form. Never Dead and Sudden Death were written for Video Games and were thrown in here too, but they both Kick Ass. But, Favorite track here goes to the completed version of Millennium of the Blind. One of my favorite demos that was on the Remaster of Youthanasia. Its just so, Damn, Good. Also just because they used its riff in 1000 times goodbye didn't stop them from bringing it back where it belongs.

Killing is my Business... and Business is Good! 1985

The best first album of the Big 4. Don't even @ me bro. This album was heavier, faster, thrashier, more attitude, better solos, better hair, better drums, better talent, better song names, better songs that Dave wrote himself. *Breath Looking Down the Cross, that's my favorite

The System Has Failed - 2004

Home to possibly my favorite Megadeth instrumental. Shadow of Deth is killer. To bad My Kingdom isn't a better follow up. This album has always held a special place in my heart. It was a return to form for Megadeth, and the first live concert I purchased myself was the live in Buenos Aires concert where it is predominantly featured. That is the show that made me fall in Love with Megadeth. Ever since then its become one of my most listened to albums. Is it one of their best? No, but its place it holds in my history and metal history that makes it special. Favorite song is Die Dead Enough, the song is perfect in my eyes

Endgame - 2009

I feel Endgame doesn't get enough love. This album is fantastic, with one of the best album opening sets in their whole repertoire. From start to finish its a great listen. No song here really stands out as a classic though so that's why it finds itself in the middle. Because from here on out rankings get tough. I was going to go with 44 minutes as my favorite song here but after some back and forth it goes to The Right to Go Insane. That song is a blast to play, especially the second half when it picks up the pace. Down picking it is the way to go

Cryptic Writings - 1997

The mid 90's classic. Growing up I heard Trust all the time on KSJO and the bone, not knowing my future with the band at that time. The remaster for this one made it better thanks to the original version of FFF and Sin, Bullprick and Evil That's within respectfully. I personally feel those versions are actually better. You can here the transition they were going through in this album to where they were headed at the time, but this album has solid classics, and still some thrashy songs. Almost Honest is still my pick on this one

Peace Sells... but Who's Buying - 1986

Follow up and improved sound here on Peace Sells. This album is a favorite to a lot of the fan base, for me its number 6. Like I said in Endgame, the top of these rankings the feelings between the albums is extremely close. If somehow you have never heard this one, you need to go and change that right now. The Riffs and drums here are legendary and Dave is fine tuning what He wanted his voice to be. Good Morning / Black Friday is the choice for favorite here but the Conjuring is close.

United Abominations - 2007

A curveball to start off the the top 5. UA came out right in the middle of my High School years, just as I was really developing into the Metal Head I would become. Perfect timing for an album like this. It was true return to their thrash roots, and the first album with both Drover brothers. Beginning to end its a fun high paced ride, even a tout le monde is fast. Burnt Ice is the pick and I don't think it gets enough love as the classic it should be

Youthanasia - 1994

The big 4. Youthanasia is quite possibly the most cohesive release in the whole discography. Slow, melodic, groovy riffs that grab your attention. This was the most vocally driven album yet and Dave's voice was on point. They experimented to great success here. Not much else to say other than I love this album to deth, favorite being A Toute le Monde, song holds a very special place in my heart for multiple reasons

Before I get into the top 3, I have to say, it really was a toss up, more so for the 2/3, I'm certain of #1. 2 and 3 are interchangeable depending on the day, but there are factors that make it they way I have it here. So be prepared to hate me

Rust in Peace - 1990

The greatest Thrash Album of all time. Highly regarded as Megadeth's best album, and I would agree with that, it is. Then why is it 3? Told you my explanation in the intro would come in handy. The musical mastery on display here, especially with the Dave Marty duo, is second to none. Its a flawless album, except for one simple thing. Dave's singing. Not all the time of course, his aggressive style is fantastic, its when he does the highs, like in Tornado of Souls and Five Magics. Everyone knows Dave isn't the best vocalist, but no one else could ever sing for this band. Favorite song on this album, and to me the greatest Megadeth song of all time, Holy Wars... the Punishment Due

Dystopia - 2016

The most recent album and my surprise at number 2. I'll say it up front, I prefer Dave's older more mature vocals. He has much more control in this range it fits the lower tunings perfectly. After the disappointment that was Super Collider, this was a return to form, with new Guitarist Kiko Loureiro (who is daaaamn good), and chris adler providing the drums. Recipe for success and it delivered. Start to finish there isn't a down moment. This album was a return to thrash mixed with the heavy grooves from the 90's. It's like Dave pulled influences from all his music and combined it into a beautiful baby. Poisonous Shadows is the pick on this one, from its orchestral opening, melodic chorus, and the chugging main riff, greatness. And that just leaves

Countdown to Extinction - 1992

My personal uncontested champion of the Megadeth Album Rankings. This one has it all, thrash, groove, great vocals, crushing drums, screaming Guitars, cryptic and not so cryptic lyrics and it goes on and on. This is definitely the album I have revisited the most and that's because it is a masterpiece in not just metal but music in general. They were at their peak here and they delivered classic after classic and its perfect start to finish......... Oh you want a favorite. Well its the whole damn thing I can't pick one. I guess if I really really had to it would be Ashes in your Mouth. If you have somehow managed to never have heard this album, well then what the hell are you doing here?! stop and go listen to it now, like now now!

Thank you for checking out my Rankings of the Megadeth Albums. Comment Below any albums you think I should check out and I'll check em out. Also while you are down there if you would like drop me one of these *snap, it helps me out. Click up here if you would like to check out my review of Carnivore from Body Count, click here to check out what Youtube thinks best for you, click here if you'd be so kind as to subscribe, and ring that bell to be notified of my future videos, till then, names David, but you can call me Fenrirock

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